This project was a actually a lot of fun. I guess it's because I was so glad to be done with the previous project, that I welcomed any change. Joke aside, it was fun to make fun of people that I admire so much. All of these faces are extremely respected and admired in the world of Modern Dance. You can't really go that much higher, and yes, although there are many other important faces, These are the ones that have influenced me the most in my college career. I would have liked to use David Parsons as well but it was hard to find a nice simple clean head shot of him. As I'm looking at these pictures I realized that all the composites have Lar's haircut except for one.
This is Lar Lubovitch. Artistic director of the Lar Lubovitch dance Company.
This man is Mark Morris, one of the most influential choreographers in George Mason University. Most of the faculty at the school of dance have danced for him in the past. He is the artistic director of the Mark Morris Dance roup

This lady will be refereed as lady T. She is the most amazing person I have met and I admire her so much. She is the most influential teacher I've had ever. I hope she never finds out that I used her face for this project.

These two pictures are the combination of Lar and Mark. I like the first picture although
the nose seems to be completely attached, and yet you can clearly see
what parts of the face belong to whom, on the other hand the background
of Mark's head shot made it difficult to truly blend them
together. Mark does look better with more hair on his head.
The second picture looks strange with the combined hair cuts, it has a somewhat sad undertone to it, that I have no idea how I created.
This is the one that gave me most trouble. Because lady T's picture is of lower quality than that of Lar. so whenever I blended these faces, Lar would seems to be wearing a weird make up. I tried giving him the female hair, but it never worked. I liked this one in the end because it ended up looking like a really strange cross dresses.
it's interesting to me as well, because the main dance company that Lady T worked for was Lar's

This man is the combination of all 3 pictures. I'm really proud of this picture because it does look like a real person. The main model is Lar's facial structure but with the outer lines of Mark. The rest of the body (neck) is that of Mark as well. I finally decided to put very few traces of Lady T to make it look strange, but I decided to just include some shadows that I think are caused by the difference in the quality of the pictures.
This picture is the one I like the most. I could only image what kind of genius would be if all the creativity of these 3 choreographers were to be combined as well.
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